We can repair or restore your jukebox, Scopitone movie jukebox, and many of the older arcade machines. 
-We sell Scopitone parts, including movies, new old stock sound heads, lamps, rubber tires, newly made, and most of the original parts.
-We stock tubes and many other parts for many brands of jukeboxes.
-We rebuild amplifiers, pinbanks, and most of the components from jukeboxes that were made before 1970. 
-We service all brands and can arrange service calls anywhere. 
-Restored machines will have refinished cases when needed, replated parts in nickel or chrome, wiring replaced, and anything else necessary to make the jukebox as close to "like new" as possible.
-Our specialty are the jukeboxes made from the mid 1920's until about 1970.
Jukebox Services
Wurlitzer, Seeburg, Rockola, Rowe, AMI, Scopitone, and all others